How Sage’s garden grows
The End of a Long Dry Spell
Tropical Storm Kay broke the dry spell and washed the plants in the garden. No rain since March, so tho was only 1/2-in, we'll take the full rain barrels!
Monarda fistulosa aka Wild Bergamot or Bee Balm
While Monarda (wild bergamot / bee balm) isn't native to California, it'll make itself at home even in the dry, desert like climate of my San Diego foothills
The Difference a Month in the Vegetable Garden Makes
Before & After photos of the south vegetable garden in June and July of 2022. Despite heavy losses to ground squirrels, the garden is still going strong.
Remembering Less Squirrely Times
This year we're overrun by ground squirrels, but we used to have the best squirrel control ever -- dachshunds! Check out the video to see why.
The Incredible Productivity of the Keyhole Garden
I get almost 5 pounds of fresh vegetables and herbs per square foot from this simple, organic, and sustainable keyhole garden, and you can too!
How much does it cost to raise your own eggs?
We didn't get hens for eggs originally, but now that the cost of store-bought eggs so high, we're saving over $300 a year by having our own egg layers
Time to Get This Garden Started
After a rough hot/cold winter that killed 3 separate rounds of seedlings, I'm trying again to get the vegetable garden started before spring.
Early Start on Spring
Mid-winter has too many cold-hot swings to get seedlings started in my unheated greenhouse, so I use milk-jug greenhouses to get a jump on spring. Here's how.
Raised Bed Chickens
In winter we open the vegetable garden to the poultry. The chickens have already cleaned the artichoke beds and are taking a dust bath and fertilizer break before moving on.
The Decisions Ducks Make
A week of rain, 3 inches of cold mud and slop. The ducks couldn't be happier.
How Sage’s garden grows
The End of a Long Dry Spell
Tropical Storm Kay broke the dry spell and washed the plants in the garden. No rain since March, so tho was only 1/2-in, we'll take the full rain barrels!
Monarda fistulosa aka Wild Bergamot or Bee Balm
While Monarda (wild bergamot / bee balm) isn't native to California, it'll make itself at home even in the dry, desert like climate of my San Diego foothills
The Difference a Month in the Vegetable Garden Makes
Before & After photos of the south vegetable garden in June and July of 2022. Despite heavy losses to ground squirrels, the garden is still going strong.
Remembering Less Squirrely Times
This year we're overrun by ground squirrels, but we used to have the best squirrel control ever -- dachshunds! Check out the video to see why.
The Incredible Productivity of the Keyhole Garden
I get almost 5 pounds of fresh vegetables and herbs per square foot from this simple, organic, and sustainable keyhole garden, and you can too!
How much does it cost to raise your own eggs?
We didn't get hens for eggs originally, but now that the cost of store-bought eggs so high, we're saving over $300 a year by having our own egg layers
Time to Get This Garden Started
After a rough hot/cold winter that killed 3 separate rounds of seedlings, I'm trying again to get the vegetable garden started before spring.
Early Start on Spring
Mid-winter has too many cold-hot swings to get seedlings started in my unheated greenhouse, so I use milk-jug greenhouses to get a jump on spring. Here's how.
Raised Bed Chickens
In winter we open the vegetable garden to the poultry. The chickens have already cleaned the artichoke beds and are taking a dust bath and fertilizer break before moving on.
The Decisions Ducks Make
A week of rain, 3 inches of cold mud and slop. The ducks couldn't be happier.