A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure

A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure


1706, 2014

“Cheddar” Cauliflower

June 17th, 2014|Garden|

We're all used to seeing big white heads of cauliflower in the store, but I'm partial to this particular variety called "Cheddar" that you have to buy from a seed supplier (in this case, Pinetree Garden Seeds). Every bit as good as the snowy white variety, Cheddar is even better when you sprinkle a little olive oil, garlic and pepper on it and roast it in an oven for 20 minutes or so.

1006, 2014

Pink Mallow

June 10th, 2014|Garden|

Around here we've got a variety of mallow with a tiny white flower and a great big taproot that likes to take over just about everything. Fortunately, there are prettier, less invasive varieties native to other parts of North America. This one's a big mallow with a really showy pink blossom blooming in the butterfly garden.

906, 2014

Ring Around the Marigold

June 9th, 2014|Garden|

10 or so years ago my youngest daughter brought home a packet of marigold seeds called "Little Tiger" (or something close to that) she'd won in a drawing at school. The first year we grew them they were, in fact, striped orange and yellow like a tiger. Each year we saved some seeds and planted them again. But as time went the stripes faded and a new pattern emerged with an orange flower ringed by a yellow band. Perhaps a tiger no more, but still a sunny little flower in a pot.

606, 2014

Almost Corn Time

June 6th, 2014|Garden|

My father-in-law, born and raised on an Iowa corn farm is fond of say that corn should be "knee-high by the Fourth of July." It's only early June and we're well past knee-high with the sweet corn. By the Fourth we'll be eating it!

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