Feijoa in bloom
Feijoa (aka pineapple guava or guavasteen) isn't really a guava at all. It blooms mid-spring and drops like 9 tons of fruit in early fall. This time of year I see whole flocks of mockingbirds and orioles feasting on the blossoms.
Not really a big fan of rhubarb, but it sure does look neat in the garden.
A Hooded Oriole
This fine masked yellow fellow was sitting on the fence this morning keeping an eye on me.
Golden Showers Rose
Got this climbing rose on sale at a nursery for $1 years ago. It's grown like a tree and never fails to live up to it's name -- a golden shower of yellow blossoms.
Pink Water Lillies
I started these in a four inch pot in my pond about six years ago. The plant's rhizomes are now thicker that a tree trunk so I have to chop them back every year. No matter how much I chop off though, they always seem to come back in force.
One of the kids got a seed packet of pansies (or "Alice in Wonderland flowers" as my wife refers to them) last year. I threw them in a pot and didn't think about them much for the past 9 months. Now they're blooming like there's no tomorrow.
Autumn Sage “Lipstick”
Seems appropriate that my first post is a photo of a sage. I have 40 or so different ones on the property (people keep bringing me new ones and I keep planting them). This is a Salvia Greggii (autumn sage) called "lipstick." The bees and hummingbirds love it.