A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure

A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure


1012, 2019

Terri’s Biga Recipe

December 10th, 2019|Recipes|

The secret to great bread is old dough. Not the “hey, I found this package of ready-bake biscuits at the back of the fridge” type of old dough, but the kind that turns a pretty good loaf into a delicious toasty, tangy, chewy, sensory delight. Old dough is the magic behind sourdough as well as many Italian, French and other breads and goes by names like “biga”, “poolish” and “starter.” Bakers call these “pre-ferments”, but it’s more accurate to call them “initial ferments” since what you’re doing is fermenting yeast over many hours or days to produce aromas, flavors and [keep reading...]

1608, 2015

Best Pepper Pickling Recipe

August 16th, 2015|Garden, Recipes|

Pickling peppers is easy and a great way to store your bounty long after the season is gone Pickling peppers is super easy and tasty too I grow a ridiculous amount of peppers every year. Hot, sweet, large, small, round, bell, horn — if it's a pepper, I'm probably growing it somewhere in the garden. In order to have some for the winter I do a lot of pepper freezing, drying, canning, and of course, pickling. Over the years I've tried a bunch of different methods for pickling peppers and this one is the best for producing great [keep reading...]

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