Sage’s Patented Beer Can Coyote Alarm
I had a problem with a coyote sneaking in at night to eat my poultry, so I came up with a simple alarm system using empty beer cans and a noise detector
This Chicken Ranges a Little Too Freely
When your chickens feel free to come in the house and wander around, they've taken "free range" too far. Remmy the Rhodey is a perfect example of a hen too far.
Mystery Chicken
Walked out to the chicken coop yesterday to be greeted by a tiny black speckled chicken waiting to get in. I have no idea where it came from or what breed it is
I Think We’re Being Watched
Bad Buff and Buffy the Corn Slayer are always standing outside our sunroom window and staring in. I'm not paranoid. I know they're plotting something.
Ducks and a Dog
A group of our ducks have figured out how to squeeze under the fence to get up to the koi pond is. What they haven't figured out is how to get past the dog yet.
Gaucho the Immortal
Me and Gaucho have been friends for over 14 years and he still follows me around the yard today. As chickens go, he's one of the best.
First ducklings of 2021
Hard to tell from the photo, but that's a mama duck and (at least) two new babies in a nest in the lavender. Check them on the live stream in a few days.