A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure

A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure


1811, 2019

Photo of the Day: Bowl Gourds

November 18th, 2019|Photos|

Gourds are cool. Not only do the vines look nifty while they're growing, but they leave behind future bowls, birdhouses, planters and other craft projects. This year a bowl gourd plant showed up and decided to make its home on the north fence of the vegetable garden... and the orange trees... and the bottle brush trees. Now that the vines have died back there's about a dozen well-shaped gourds in various states of dryness handing on the fence, and one literally in it. There's probably a dozen more in the trees, but they're too high up to get, so there [keep reading...]

2810, 2019

Photo of the Day: A bathtub’s worth of luffa sponges

October 28th, 2019|Photos|

A couple years ago I planted some luffas, which proceeded to sprawl out, climb into the trees and take over a large section of the west garden. Even though I removed every luffa I could find, some were still left stranded high in the trees. Each of the past two years those leftover luffas have dropped seeds into hidden spaces and grown more luffas. Here's a bathtub's worth of luffa gourds from this weekend's cleanup. Free seeds for anyone who asks!

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