A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure

A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure

heirloom tomato

2010, 2020

October Tomatoes

October 20th, 2020|Photos|

The summer veggie garden is now down to the hot peppers, a few bell peppers, and a bunch of raggedy, but hanging in there, tomato plants. Chief among them is the Costolutos, which took a hard hit about a month ago but rebounded to flower and fruit for a third round in this growing year. A great tomato by any measure, it's interesting that the first bunch back in June were really deeply lobed, but they've gotten progressively smoother since. It's now mid-October and the ones currently ripening only hint at lobes with some coloring. Otherwise, they're nearly as smooth [keep reading...]

1108, 2020

Big Ol’ Tomaters

August 11th, 2020|Photos|

One of the pleasant surprises of the season are these Costaluto Italian heirloom tomatoes. They bear big, meaty fruit (8 - 22 ounces) in clusters of six. The plants definitely need heavy duty support because they produce 20 - 30 pounds of fruit per plant. The flavor is outstanding.

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