Garden Log: Valentine Is My Top Pick for Small Tomatoes
Looking for a small tomato for the home vegetable garden? Look no farther than Valentine. It's the perfect combo of flavor, productivity, and disease resistance
How to Overwinter Tomatoes for a Spring Jump Start
Get an early start on next year's tomatoes by taking cuttings from this year's tomatoes in the fall. It's super easy and saves money! Here's how to do it:
Vegetable Garden Trials: Carbon Black Heirloom Tomatoes
Two thirds of the way through the growing season, Carbon Black Heirloom Tomatoes have been a standout for the size and quantity of the tomatoes they produce
Recipe: Old Fashioned Ketchup (c. 1915)
Wonder how classic, homemade American ketchup tastes? It tastes like awesome! If you've got a few tomatoes, here's a simple, delicious ketchup recipe from 1915.
August Tomato Haul
It's a big weekend of saucing & canning tomatoes (all grown from seed collected last year!). Varieties from front to back: Celebrity, Black Krim, and Costaluto.
Video: Lunchtime!
In this video momma duck takes the kids to snack on a few tomatoes tossed to them. But when poor momma tries to eat, ol' lucky number 13 shows up with a different plan.
Hot and Tired
We're 2/3rds of the way through summer, the heat is brutal and it hasn't rained since mid-April. The garden looks tired, but not done yet. Here's photos of how it looked on June 18th and today.
Big Ol’ Tomaters
One of the pleasant surprises of the season are these Costaluto Italian heirloom tomatoes. They bear big, meaty fruit (8 - 22 ounces) in clusters of six. The plants definitely need heavy duty support because they produce 20 - 30 pounds of fruit per plant. The flavor is outstanding.
Operation “No Fruit Left Behind” Continues
We're trying to not let any of the garden produce go to waste this year (much to the chicken's disappointment), so we've been canning, drying, pickling and preserving everything possible.
A Saucy Tomato Basket
Assortment of garden tomatoes, roma, brandywine, and pink stuffer When my lovely Mrs told me she was feeling saucy and left the room, "tomato" wasn't the first thing I thought of. (Married 30 years, still an optimist.) The fresh tomato sauce was good though. Here she is returning from the garden with her basket of roma, brandywine, carbon, and pink stuffers.