Video: Gopher vs Banana Tree
Gophers may be small, but that doesn't mean their damage is. Here's what one did to a 20 foot tall banana stalk.
Lemongrass Then and Now
From the "If you water it, it will grow" file comes this lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) rescued from the dry herb garden. In March I planted a small, mostly dead clump. In June it began to show life. By October it ruled its section of the tropical garden
Time to Tally the Bananas
Nights below freezing has fried my tropical plants, including the Ice Cream (aka Blue Java) banana, so I cut the bunch and brought them indoors to ripen.
Landscape Design Tip for Monstera
Here's a pro tip when you're doing landscape design with large tropicals like Monstera. To add drama to the scene, contrast the monstera with something small and compact, like a potted dachshund. This is a photo of Hank the Weenie demonstrating. (Also, bad dog, Hank. You're not supposed to be sitting in the flower pots.)
Photo of the Day: Ice Cream Bananas
After two years of growth, the ice cream banana has finally produced fruit!