winter vegetables
Freckles is a Great Winter Lettuce
Freckles is a Romaine-type lettuce with medium green leave and attractive red splotches. Great for winter growing in USDA zones 8 or higher
Fall Keyhole Garden Flip
If you're in USDA zone 8 or above, it's easy to switch your keyhole garden from summer to winter veggies and keep growing. It just takes a few simple steps.
First Tomato of the Season
I have a friendly competition with my neighbor to see who can grow the first ripe tomatoes of the season. I usually lose. This time I sowed seed back in early December and, despite losing all but one plant (a Tigerella), I spotted my first baby green fruit this weekend.
Winter Lettuce and Peas
A quick peak under the row cover shows that my lettuce and peas are doing just peachy despite that it was in the low 80's a couple days ago and now it's dipping into the 30's overnight.
Keyhole Garden Planted with Winter Vegetables
Getting ready for fresh vegetables all winter A couple of weeks ago I cleared my keyhole garden of the spent summer crops, topped off the bed with fresh compost and let it sit for a few days to rest and settle in. Yesterday I pulled the seedlings from the greenhouse and transplanted them in garden. Here's a list of what we're growing this winter: Keyhole garden re-planted for winter of 2019/2020 Clockwise from the lower left: Large Leaf Basil Romaine Lettuce - Green Forest Chinese Cabbage - Optiko Broccoli - Imperial Dill - Fernleaf/Mammoth cross (behind compost [keep reading...]