We’re used to wildfires in San Diego, but they generally occur in late September / early October, not mid-May. It’s been so hot and dry lately that the entire county is a tinderbox. Currently, we’re within a couple of miles of four fires to the north, east, southeast and southwest, so any direction I turn is smoke.
Fortunately, we’re safe. (Wouldn’t want to load all the livestock in a trailer and have to go somewhere.) But wow.
Carlsbad fire as seen from downtown about 2 miles away
The Bonsall fire burning about 4 miles northeast along Interstate 15 just south of Highway 76
Eastern Portion of Camp Pendleton / Navy Weapons depot burning about 2 miles north
Carlsbad fire 10 miles to the southwest
The San Marcos fire – 10 miles to the southeast
New fire breaking out on Camp Pendleton on Thursday. First smoke came up maybe 10 minutes ago.
The Las Pulgas fire as seen from southeast of the San Luis Rey river about 20 hours after it began.