A Golden Sunset in Mid-August
The sunset over the Pacific in the distance turning the light golden for a moment on a hot mid-August evening
First Time Growing Aleppo Peppers
My first time growing Aleppo (Halaby) peppers. Good looking peppers on a 3ft plant with a dozen or so medium-sized peppers that are supposed to be medium heat.
Keeping the Garden Cool in a Heatwave
An overhead gourd garden will keep raised beds cool in late summer. The beds stay 15 degrees cooler than full sun so you can start fall crops 60 days earlier
Landscape Design With Vegetables
Once in a while it's nice to let things go to seed and see what happens. Here's spring's carrots flowering among summer's vegetables in the keyhole garden.
Video: Herc at Work in the Garden
Hercules is our four month old dachshund. He is adorable and a certified yard terrorist. Anything that looks like it needs a little digging gets thoroughly dug
Photo: Last Sunset of Spring 2024
Last night was the final sunset of Spring 2024. Here's a photo from the deck looking west over the Pacific. The first full moon (strawberry) of summer tomorrow.
Ugly Carrots Still Taste Good
My carrots will never make the cover of a magazine (unless the magazine is all about ugly vegetables). But at least they're colorful and still taste good.
Happy Memorial Day
Thank you to all who gave their lives for our nation.
What’s on the Other Side of That Gate?
Using the terrain, landscaping and a few structures, it's easy to create cool garden "rooms" that feel like you're in a secret, and a tad magical, place.
This Chicken Ranges a Little Too Freely
When your chickens feel free to come in the house and wander around, they've taken "free range" too far. Remmy the Rhodey is a perfect example of a hen too far.