Hot Sauce Batch 19 – entry 7
Another addition of 4 ounces or so of fresh peppers and a pinch of salt. Heavy rain last week knocked most of the remaining peppers off the plants, so we’re coming to the end of fresh pepper additions for this year (yeah, I know, I write that every week — but this time it’s probably true). I’m going to let this ferment one more week then add oak and send the batch to age until March.
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About the Author
Sage Osterfeld
I’m just a guy with nearly an acre of dirt, a nice little mid-century ranch house and a near-perfect climate. But in my mind I’m a landscaper survivalist craftsman chef naturalist with a barbeque the size of a VW and my own cable TV show. I like to write about the stuff I build, grow and see here at Sage's Acre.