Mid-winter Garden Tasks for Spring
A little garden maintenance now will give you a headstart on spring
Back in the eastern U.S. a groundhog tells them when it’s mid-winter. Here in San Diego it’s the Santa Anas. Cool, dry air in the Great Basin pushes warm air south and west giving us a week or so of sunshine and daytime temperatures in the 70s, sometimes low 80’s. It’s supposed to reach a high of 78° today.The weather doesn’t last. After mid-winter is when we get the big Pacific storms followed by the night time freezes. Not exactly great growing weather, but this fake spring is a seasonal reminder of the garden housekeeping and maintenance that you need to do before spring really does arrive in a few weeks. If you’re in a similar warm(ish) climate zone (USDA 7B – 10), here are a few things you could be doing:
1) Inventory seeds
If you collect seed from the garden at harvest or hang on to seed packets you didn’t use up last year, now is a good time to take inventory. That way when you’re going through the seed catalogs you’re just looking for fun new seeds, not stuff you already have.2) Prune roses, fruit and ornamental trees
Here roses will continue to flower well into January. Once they’re done, this is your chance to prune and give them a good headstart on a healthy shrub and flowers in early spring. This is also the time to prune fruit, subtropical and ornamental trees before the longer days and warmer weather of late winter wakes them up.
3) Check outdoor pots and planters

Collect all the empty pots and planters so you can inspect and inventory them for the spring growing season
4) Inspect and clear raised beds
Raised beds that have been resting since fall should be cleared of any debris or weeds and the bed frames inspected and repaired if necessary. Check the soil level and condition as well so you know how much additional soil/compost you’ll need to top the beds off.
5) Start prep on new gardens
As with much of the American west and southwest, this is the rainy season. Once spring gets going it’s unlikely we’ll see any significant rainfall again until mid-autumn. As such, now is the time to start preparations on any new gardens you’re planning. The ground is soft and easy to turn, and any weeds are probably still in the early stages making them much easier to clear than later in the season — especially if you battle common weeds like invasive grasses, nettles, mallow and mustard
6) Greenhouse maintenance and repairs

Mid-winter inspection of the greenhouse for damage from water and to make sure the vents work properly
7) Inspect and clean pots and seed trays
Speaking of empty pots, now is also a great time to get your reusable pots and seed trays clean and ready for spring planting. Inspect them for cracks, broken bits, brittleness, etc. To clean, brush off any dirt, cobwebs, etc. and wash them in a 5 gallon bucket of plain water followed by a rinse in a second 5 gallon bucket of water to which you’ve added ¼ cup of bleach. Make sure they’re thoroughly dry before you stack them.8) Sow tomatoes, cauliflower and cabbages
While we’re on seeds, if you’ve got a greenhouse or an indoor area where you can grow seedlings, you can get a start on spring by sowing early tomatoes, lettuces, and brassicas like cauliflower and broccoli. Don’t get all crazy and start planting warmer season stuff like cucumbers, corn and squash though. Even if you keep the soil warm enough for them, the day length is still too short to get much more than leggy seedlings. For those you’ll need to wait a few more weeks.
Yes, there are other things you could do as well, but why get too ambitious? Fake Spring will be gone soon enough and we’ll get back to the normal cold, wet trudge that is February. Better to sit inside and plan the spring garden so you can hit the ground running in March.
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[…] a potting room, patio, or just a spot in the window, stuff tends to pile up winter. Now’s a good time to inspect, clean and inventory your pots both for seed starting and transplants moving back […]