A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure

A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure


206, 2014

Peppermint Twist Rose

June 2nd, 2014|Garden|

A floribunda rose I picked up nearly 20 years ago from a little nursery tucked back in the hills of Fallbrook. The lady said it was called "Peppermint Twist" because the red and white spirals of the flower resembled a peppermint candy. When the flower is still a bud it does really look like a peppermint, but as it opens it un-swirls to reveal red and white streaked flowers. Not really heavy on the fragrance, but it does bloom almost continuously from April through November.

106, 2014

Mexican Sunflower

June 1st, 2014|Garden|

This is a Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia). Native to tropical regions of Mexico, it grows and reproduces quite easily here in San Diego County. This particular plant is nearly 20 feet tall and produces a profusion of yellow flowers from May through September. After the bloom, I chop it back to about 3 feet tall and it spends the winter and early Spring re-growing.

2705, 2014


May 27th, 2014|Garden|

I didn't always like these plants and even went so far to chop this one all the way to the ground. When it grew back it came back as two plants. One produces pink blooms, the other blue. Kinda neat.

2305, 2014

Field of Chamomile

May 23rd, 2014|Garden|

Years ago I got a seed packet of German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) which I planted because my wife thought it'd be neat to have some for herbal tea. Since then it's nativized itself in section of the yard and so every spring I have a field of chamomile in which our ducks nest and plenty of critters hide. Even though it's kind of a pest, the flowers and sweet smell are kind of nice. There are worse weeds.

2105, 2014

Getting The Eye

May 21st, 2014|Garden|

Found this little guy staring at me from an empty flower pot as I was walking up from the orchard. He did some scary lizard push-ups to show me who was boss, so I snapped his picture and moved on before he charged me.

1805, 2014

Eucalyptus up close

May 18th, 2014|Garden|

Last winter during high winds and rain one of three enormous eucalyptus trees (about 60 feet) by the pond tipped over. Half the tree's roots remained in the ground, so the tree continues grow on the side facing the sky. I stood on the trunk, pointed my camera down and took this shot.

1505, 2014

Surrounded by Fires

May 15th, 2014|Garden|

We're used to wildfires in San Diego, but they generally occur in late September / early October, not mid-May. It's been so hot and dry lately that the entire county is a tinderbox. Currently, we're within a couple of miles of four fires to the north, east, southeast and southwest, so any direction I turn is smoke. Fortunately, we're safe. (Wouldn't want to load all the livestock in a trailer and have to go somewhere.) But wow.

1305, 2014

Picky Goldfinches

May 13th, 2014|Garden|

The local pack of goldfinches chowing away on Nyjer seeds. One time we made the mistake of buying the general "finch mix" seed and the little monsters threw everything that wasn't Nyjer seed on the ground where the squirrels picked it up. We learned our lesson and now we never buy anything but pure Nyjer.

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