What is this Plant?
Wandering along the shady east side of the acre today, I came across this in flower. The plant is a sort of leggy vine sort that's been growing there for years, but I've never seen it flower. Anyone know what it is? Update: Thanks to Reddit and /u/ArtsyPhartsyWoman, I figured out that it was a Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)!
Scallop Squash Coming in Hot
Anybody got any good squash recipes? A few warm days and the scallop squash is going bananas. I’ve already harvested half a dozen fruit and there's a least a dozen that'll be ripe in the next few days. Along with the Italian and yellow straightneck squash, we're up to our eyeballs in them.
First Snake of the Season
Snakes aren't uncommon here, but it's still a little freaky when you're just reaching down to turn on the hose and come face to face with a 4 foot gopher snake.
A secret path
I've been wondering how it is that our dogs can be down by the dry creek in one second, and up at the front gate terrorizing a delivery driver in the next. I now have my answer.
Giant Agave Flowers
The American Agave produces giant flower stalks that can shoot 30 feet in the air. The dried stalks are a favorite nesting site for acorn woodpeckers.
Blackberries Soon
The blackberry patch is coming in sweet and heavy. We'll be picking in a couple weeks. Last year we picked over 30 pounds and had purple fingers for a month.
Butterfly Iris is Beautiful Cover
Native to southern Africa (a climate similar to our own here in San Diego), the butterfly iris is well-adapted to the dry climate. It's also beautiful as well as tough.
An Onion Appears
My wife's idea of "gardening" is secretly burying old vegetables around the yard to see if they grow. As a result, I now have a brown onion flowering among the tomatillos.
Peruvian Lily Piggybacker
These Peruvian Lilies (Alstromeria aurea) piggybacked in with some society garlic plants years ago. At nearly 4ft they're quite tall, but the flowers are amazing
Unusual Avocado Varieties
The other day a neighbor who's an avocado grower, brought us some rare Don Gillogly avocados from his private grove. It's a dwarf Haas variant with creamy, club-shaped fruit.