Photo of the Day: Cleveland Sage in Bloom
One of my favorite natives and sages. Salvia Clevelandii (Cleveland Sage) both looks and smells fantastic.
Photo of the Day: Our Rooster Twins
Last spring one of the hens surprised us with a matched set of roosters. Meet Jonesy and Riley.
Photo of the Day: Undercover Tomatillos
If you plant tomatillos once, chances are you're going to have tomatillos for years to come -- you just don't know where. I just discover not one, but two types growing in among the corn. It's like a salsa bonus!
Photo of the Day: Water Hyacinth in Bloom
The first bloom in the pond. We've been waiting all summer!
Photo of the Day: Ice Cream Bananas
After two years of growth, the ice cream banana has finally produced fruit!
A Tropical Sunset
The one upside to monsoon season is the absolutely spectacular sunsets. This one is looking over the San Luis Rey river valley toward the Pacific.
The Fig Says it’s Spring
That's what it looks like to me anyway
A Rare Skink Sighting
We've no lack of reptiles here on the acre. Gopher snakes, king snakes, the occasional rattlesnake, alligator lizards and western fence lizards (aka, the "blue belly") are all common sights around here. Actually, the fence lizard is so common in summer that you'll nearly walk on a dozen just crossing the yard. What isn't a common sight though is a skink -- a western skink in this case. These guys are usually pretty shy. I've only seen a few over the years, and even then only in dark places like wet woodpiles and compost heaps. But here was this one [keep reading...]
The ultimate photo filter for sunsets
Sunset after a storm passes through San Diego County. Mother Nature makes the best photofilters. No app required.
Bog Sage
Got this particular sage from a local herb grower. As the name "bog sage" implies, it likes it's feet a little damper than most sages. The bright blue flowers are remarkable this time of year.