This Chicken Ranges a Little Too Freely
When your chickens feel free to come in the house and wander around, they've taken "free range" too far. Remmy the Rhodey is a perfect example of a hen too far.
All Hail Gaucho
Alexander rode an elephant; Caesar a gold chariot. Napoleon preferred a stallion. Gaucho, Chicken Emperor of the Acre, likes a wheelbarrow loaded with compost.
Video: Duckling vs Chicken Battle
If you substitute old zucchini for pizza, ducklings for children, and chickens for strangers, this video could be 20 seconds at any Chuck E Cheez.
Watermelon Crime
Agents of the National Chicken Investigative Service (NCIS) inspecting a watermelon that was over-watered and left to burst. As water was involved, ducks are considered poultry of interest.
New Members of the Family
Shy is our only Cuckoo Maran hen (she's named Shy because, unlike the buffs and Welsummers, she's not really interested in people or their food). When she disappeared a few weeks back, I figured she'd been nabbed by a coyote, raccoon, bobcat, or one of the other varmits that like the taste of chicken. Shy with her new chicks Imagine my surprise when she appeared yesterday with one black and one white chick. Turns out she was just nesting in the lavender. The chicks are really cute. I just hope they're not roosters. I don't need any more roosters.
Orange Chicken
Jonesy the rooster standing in an orange tree pretending he's a wild jungle chicken.
Gaucho the Rooster
This magnificent little guy is Gaucho, so named because of his fancy feathered feet and the exotic dance that makes him irresistible to the ladies. At age 11(!), he's basically our feathered Ricardo Montalbán.
2020 Poultry Pinup Chicks
I know it's dorky, but I am totally geeking on the new 2020 Avian Health calendar I got from the feed store today. It's free from the California Department of Agriculture, so I may get another one to put up in the coop for the roosters. They dig pinup chicks.