Video: Herc at Work in the Garden
Hercules is our four month old dachshund. He is adorable and a certified yard terrorist. Anything that looks like it needs a little digging gets thoroughly dug
Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Inspection
Whew! After inspection, the doxies have determined our freshly harvested sweet potatoes are not cheese or anything wrapped in bacon, so Thanksgiving is safe.
Remembering Less Squirrely Times
This year we're overrun by ground squirrels, but we used to have the best squirrel control ever -- dachshunds! Check out the video to see why.
Lord Hank
Hank's not a German shepherd like the girls, but he does look rather imperious when he sits on the bench in the front yard and stares out over his domain.
Landscape Design Tip for Monstera
Here's a pro tip when you're doing landscape design with large tropicals like Monstera. To add drama to the scene, contrast the monstera with something small and compact, like a potted dachshund. This is a photo of Hank the Weenie demonstrating. (Also, bad dog, Hank. You're not supposed to be sitting in the flower pots.)