The Intriguing Alien Eggs: Haworthia Cooperi
A super easy to grow succulent that looks like clusters of tiny translucent watermelons, known to some as "Alien Eggs." A great indoor plant for any collection.
Echeveria agavoides in Bloom
Echeveria agavoides looks like an agave, but it's a succulent from Mexico. The leaves are lime green in winter but turn lemon yellow tipped with red in summer.
Kalanchoe Daigremontiana
Here's a closeup of the Mother of Thousands (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) in our sunroom getting ready to drop some new babies. They look like little green oysters
Aeonium Haworthii ‘Kiwi’ in Winter Colors
Aeonium Haworthii "Kiwi" is hypnotic in its colors both in winter when it's various shades of green, and summer when it's trimmed in reddish-pink.
Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)
Jade Plants are low care, easy to grow plants you can shape into anything from elegant shrubs to weird martian trees based on how you care for them. Here's how:
Christmas Cactus and a Bear
Got a Christmas Cactus from the $1 bin at the nursery in 2019 and wanted to show how nice it looked in bloom. All the camera wanted was the bear on its back
Gray Day, Orange Aloe
This little 6" orange marmalade aloe chose the biggest Pacific storm of the year as the perfect time to put out this foot tall bright fuchsia bloom.
Mariner’s Kalanchoe in Bloom
Rescued a piece of a Mariner's Kalanchoe from a trash bin in 2019. Today it's flourishing in the succulent garden and blooming like there's no tomorrow
Over-Achieving Aeonium
A little Aeonium volunteer that escaped from the succulent garden. They're pesky here so normally they get tossed. But it looks so good I'm letting it stay (for a while anyway).
Sansevieria Picture Window
I made some planters from the flower stalk of a giant agave, and put Sansevieria in them. The view from our picture window into the shade garden now has a Jurassic jungle feel.