What to plant after early summer crops
Early summer vegetable crops are done, but the veggie garden isn't. Here’s what to plant and how to keep your vegetable garden going through the end of summer
Photo: Last Sunset of Spring 2024
Last night was the final sunset of Spring 2024. Here's a photo from the deck looking west over the Pacific. The first full moon (strawberry) of summer tomorrow.
A Berry Berry Good Garden
After 8 weeks of cold and gray, the sun finally returned! The strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are all showing their appreciation with lots of fruit.
The Difference a Month in the Vegetable Garden Makes
Before & After photos of the south vegetable garden in June and July of 2022. Despite heavy losses to ground squirrels, the garden is still going strong.
Ducks of Summer
Three months ago they were just yellow puffs. Now summer's gone, mom's back with her flock. and they're big ducks living life on their own (but still together).
Happy First Day of Winter
Yes, this is the actual temperature in San Diego just before noon on December 21, 2020. The temperature just before noon on the first day of winter.
Keyhole Garden Update – Sept. 21, 2020
It's day 548 of production for the keyhole garden. The recent heatwave ended what was left of the tomatoes and most of the sweet peppers, but the squash is doing great. Plus, I discovered some garlic.
All Hail the Mighty Brassica
Broccoli with burns from the recent heat wave I'm still dealing with the damage from last week's monster heat wave so most of the vegetable garden looks like a flamethrower came through it. Amazingly, even though it was hot enough hot enough to burn the leathery blue-green leaves of my cauliflower and broccoli, the heads made it through just fine. They might even look better than before they were hit with triple digit temps and full sun. All hail the mighty brassica.
Watermelon Crime
Agents of the National Chicken Investigative Service (NCIS) inspecting a watermelon that was over-watered and left to burst. As water was involved, ducks are considered poultry of interest.
Keyhole Garden Update
After 521 days of continuous production, the early summer veggies in the keyhole garden are all played out, but the mid-summer crops--beans, squash, and pumpkins--are doing just fine. The second half of summer and most of early fall is brutally hot and dry, so I'm going to give part of the bed a couple week's rest before transplanting the late summer and early fall stuff.