water wise garden
Keeping the Garden Cool in a Heatwave
An overhead gourd garden will keep raised beds cool in late summer. The beds stay 15 degrees cooler than full sun so you can start fall crops 60 days earlier
Why you should have a rain barrel (or two)
Wondering whether rains barrels are worth it? The answer is yes! They're an easy and nature friendly way to save your water. Here's everything you need to know:
My Keyhole Garden Through the Year
Keyhole garden is finally complete and ready to plant. I'm going to let the soil settle for a few days before planting Last winter I decided to build a keyhole garden. Every few weeks I'd go out and take a photo of it so I could remember how it progressed through the growing season. I'll write in detail about how I came to build a keyhole garden and what I learned soon. In the meantime, here's a photo gallery of the garden from its beginning in March through the end of the summer growing season in October. [keep reading...]