Four Crop Rotation Methods for Maximum Harvest With Minimal Trouble
Rotating crops in the vegetable garden is a smart and simple way to limit pests and increase harvests, here are 4 techniques that work great

Proper crop rotation is a great way to control pests and ensure a productive vegetable garden year in and year out
While you’re counting down the days to Plants in the Ground, now is a good time to be thinking about crop rotation in your garden planting plans. Crop rotation isn’t difficult, but it is important for a couple of reasons, especially if you’re an organic, food, and/or high-production gardener (or just want to be).
Why Rotate Vegetable Crops?
Reason 1: Pest Control
Most plant diseases and many of the insect pests tend to be fairly specific as to the type of plant they prefer as host. If you plant the same type of plant in the same location the next year, the pest’s overwintered spores and eggs hatch and emerge to find an all-they-can-eat buffet waiting. Smart crop rotation means the young pests find nothing to eat, naturally limiting their spread.
Reason 2: Soil Health
Different vegetable families have different soil nutrient requirements that are slow to replace with soil additives. Repeated planting of the same vegetable season after season can result in mineral-depleted or out of balance soil that taxes plant health. As a result, regular crop rotation is one of the best ways to maintain soil balance and help ensure a big harvest with a minimum of troubles.
Reason 3: Variety is Fun
Okay, three is more than a “couple” but, let’s face it, part of the joy of any vegetable garden endeavor is being surprised by the outcome. Changing the garden arrangement definitely does that. Good or bad, it’s always different (and usually not what you expected).
Vegetable Families and Crop Rotation Order
Depending on how specific you want to get with your crop rotation, you can break your crop rotation into anywhere from two to six general vegetable groups. For the small vegetable gardener you’ll probably want to go with just two or three. For those with larger gardens or a wide variety of vegetables in the garden, four or six groups may be better.
Note that crop rotation only applies to annual crops, so if you have permanent (aka perennial) vegetables like asparagus, artichoke, rhubarb, (or broccoli in some cases), etc. they’re not included in the plan.
Simple Two Step Rotation

2-stage rotation is simple. Plant a root vegetable one year, then an above ground vegetable the next
The easiest form of crop rotation is “below / above”. That is, one year you plant a root crop in the bed, the next year you plant an above ground crop. Bed preparation is equally simple. In the fall you apply manure or a cover crop. In the spring till in compost or an all-purpose fertilizer about two weeks before planting.
As this method isn’t picky about the type of root or above ground crop, just make sure that if a vegetable doesn’t do well in that bed one year, you rotate to the next one in the following year. Don’t replant the same thing.
Three Step Crop Rotation
One step up from the below/above is three stage crop rotation I call “RBE”, which stands for “Root crop”, “Brassica”, and “Everything else”. This one works better than the simple two stage method because it separates the brassica group – broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. – from other above ground vegetables.Brassicas are a large plant family with specific pests and a lower tolerance for acidic soils not shared by other vegetable groups. As a result, dedicating a bed to those cruciferous vegetables for one season will make it easier to control pests like cabbage worms as well as lower the soil acidity with some lime a couple weeks before planting (½ lb per square yard tilled into the soil will do it).
If you’re starting with a fresh planting bed, in the first season, plant a root crop, rotate to brassica in the next, and any other above-ground vegetable (tomatoes, beans, squash, corn, etc.) in the third.
This is very convenient if you’ve got a long growing season or practice high-yield gardening since many root crops thrive in the cooler weather and reduced sunshine of early spring and late fall. Starting with them allows you to harvest in late spring, and re-plant with a new crop before the heat of summer arrives.
One other advantage of RBE is you can practice companion planting methods like 3 sisters (corn, beans and squash) in your “everything else” phase. That will give you a bit more crop variety as well as help control broad spectrum pests.
Four Step Crop Rotation
Four step crop rotation is the method recommended for home gardeners by the American Horticultural Society. It goes a step farther than RBE by breaking out legumes (beans, peas, other pods crops) and alliums (the onion family) as their own groups to better enhance resistance against funguses as well as improve soil conditions with legume’s nitrogen capture abilities.
In the four step method the first season you plant legumes and replace those with alliums in the second. Alliums are replaced with nightshade/solanaceae (tomato family), squash, corn, or root crops in the third season, and brassicas replace those in the fourth.
Technically, sweet corn and squash aren’t part of that fourth rotation, but I’ve found they do quite well at that spot in the rotation schedule. If you only grow a small amount of those, or you’re raising a compact variety, you can interplant them with the others in that group quite easily.
Separating alliums into their own rotation cycle is especially important because funguses like allium rust can live in the soil for up to three years. Thus, growing members of the onion family in a bed only once every four years helps keep that nasty pest under control.
Six Step Crop Rotation

The 6 stage method separates and rotates crops based on their feeding requirements as well a pest control
For the six stage method, the heavy feeding nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, potatoes, etc.) get their own rotation as do the corn, squash, cucumbers, and melons. Separating these two heavy feeding plant families into their own rotations allows you to amend the soil between rotations so your garden soil biome does get unbalanced.
As with the 4-step method, if you’re only planting small amounts of corn, squash, or tomato groups, you can interplant them to maximize your garden bed use. Just keep in mind that these are heavy feeders, so if you’re going to plant them together, add some fresh compost or all-purpose fertilizer to the bed when you swap out the greens and root veggies. That will ensure they have a sufficient supply of nutrients during their growth, and you’ll have a good yield.
Final Notes
Crop rotation is one of the oldest, simplest, and most efficient methods for limiting pests and ensuring healthy garden soil, but it’s not an end-all-be-all solution. You will still need to amend your soil with fresh organic and mineral materials from time-to-time to ensure maximum productivity with a minimum of problems. The best time to recharge the beds will be in late fall or winter, when you can add well-composted manure and amendments like lime so that it can take its time conditioning the soil and ensure a healthy soil biome in spring.
One last note about amending the soil – if you’re going to add lime to a bed, the best time to do it is before rotating brassicas into that bed. Additionally, don’t add lime when you’re adding manure, fertilizer or compost. Lime is calcium carbonate which bonds very easily with other minerals. So if you’re adding other stuff at the same time as the lime, the lime is likely to bond with those materials making it more difficult to get into the soil and bring down the acidity.
The best rule is to amend the bed with manure/compost/fertilizer several weeks before adding the lime. Then, a couple of weeks before planting, till in the lime. Your vegetables will appreciate it and reward you with big harvests all season long!
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