Late Spring Vegetable Garden Maintenance
Late spring is the time to check your vegetable garden's soil condition and make any corrections needed to ensure a big harvest. Here's what to look for:
Make a Speaker Holder From a Gourd
Forget birdhouses, planters, and little art pieces. I turned a bowl gourd into something really useful -- a holder for my bluetooth speaker in the greenhouse.
D.I.Y. Garden Critter Repellent
Here's a cheap and simple repellent spray recipe that will keep squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, gophers and other rodents (even deer) from chewing up your garden
Camellia Japonica (Common Camellia)
The camellia is a member of the Tea family (and can be brewed into tea). A living shade screen most of the year, in spring and summer it puts on a flower show
Lacy Phacelia (Phalcelia tanacetifolia)
Lacy Phacelia (Phacelia tanacentifolia) is a southwestern U.S. native that attracts pollinators & beneficial insects with showy blue flowers in spring & summer
How to Build a “Lasagna” Garden
Here's a low-cost raised bed vegetable gardening technique that uses layers of organic material to create nutrient rich soil for your fruits and vegetables
R.I.P. Gaucho the Magnificent Chicken
Gaucho the Magnificent Bantam Rooster died in March of 2023 at age 15. He passed peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his hens, Buffy, Bad Buff, and Wynona.
Vegetable Garden Kickoff – 2023
Here's how this committed procrastinator and all around lazy man got his vegetable garden cleaned, refreshed and ready just in time for the first day of spring
An Atmospheric River Makes a Real One
All the rain not only created a ground squirrel clearing spring creek, but it also unearthed a strange, blue-eyed relic from a long time ago.
Echeveria agavoides in Bloom
Echeveria agavoides looks like an agave, but it's a succulent from Mexico. The leaves are lime green in winter but turn lemon yellow tipped with red in summer.