Gaucho the Immortal
Me and Gaucho have been friends for over 14 years and he still follows me around the yard today. As chickens go, he's one of the best.
The Feijoa Blooms again
Feijoa (pineapple guava) only blooms on second year wood. After a hard pruning and no flowers last year, it's back and blooming big this year. Spectacular!
Rosy Fingered Dawn
Eos, goddess of dawn, using her rosy-fingered powers to chase away the mists of night so her brother Helios can rise and make his daily journey across the sky
Raised Bed Chickens
In winter we open the vegetable garden to the poultry. The chickens have already cleaned the artichoke beds and are taking a dust bath and fertilizer break before moving on.
Last Sunset of 2021
Sunset in San Diego on December 31, 2021 The last sunset of 2021. Photo taken at 4:53PM about 45 miles north of San Diego looking west toward the Pacific Ocean which is just over the hills.
The Decisions Ducks Make
A week of rain, 3 inches of cold mud and slop. The ducks couldn't be happier.
All dressed up on Christmas Night
The Christmas tree looks to be checking herself in the mirror before our guests get here to celebrate Christmas with us. I'll tell her she looks spectacular.
Feeling Like Fall Finally
Summer took a final bow in late November and quickly exited stage left. Now It's raining & temps are 40° cooler. Time for the first crackling fire of the year.
A Gaggle of Gourds
Yes, I've neglected the yard all autumn. Fortunately, the gourds in the hanging garden don't seem to care. Can you count the number of varieties in this photo?
The Greenhouse is All Potential
The greenhouse is empty in summer but in fall all the tender plants migrate back to it. It's dirty, sad now, but this weekend it'll be clean and in full leaf.