Sort of office mates
Working from home a lot of people get interrupted by dogs, kids, and the occasional leaf blower. Me, I've got an entirely different problem outside my office.
The Last Summer Sunset of 2021
The last sunset of the summer of 2021 right at twilight. That orange glow is the sun sinking into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Oceanside, CA
Ducks of Summer
Three months ago they were just yellow puffs. Now summer's gone, mom's back with her flock. and they're big ducks living life on their own (but still together).
Picked a Peck of Peppers
August's hot, dry, sunny weather is no friend of these cubanelle sweet peppers. Even with shade they burn, so we picked them all to roast, pickle and dehydrate.
Zipper Spider in the Oregano
A big black & yellow zipper spider in the oregano. This one is about 2" leg to leg. Big, but better than those fat orb weavers that string webs head high.
Live Alligator in the Garage
Had a standoff with this alligator lizard at the garage door this morning. He wasn't as committed as I was, because he blinked first, then turned tail and ran.
The Gorgeous Symmetry of the Sunflower
Find the pattern of sunflower seeds in a drying head attractive and fascinating? It's because you're looking at nature's golden ratio, the Fibonnaci sequence
The Tomatoing Begins
Our first two tomato harvests gave us 40lbs of Chef's Choice, Heinz, Roma and Tiren tomatoes, which are about to be processed and jarred as sauce to take us through the winter.
A Bunch of Grapes
I thought I was being nice to the chickens by letting them under the grapes to scratch around. Feathered Monsters picked the vines clean. I have 1 bunch left.
That’s a Nice Tomatillo You Have
My wife says I have a one track mind. Truth aside, I think any reasonable person would notice this purple tomatillo has a really nice butt.