Photo of the Day: Red Shouldered Hawks and a Squirrel Lunch
You know what is bad ass? A red shouldered hawk swooping down from a telephone pole and grabbing a ground squirrel on the run. Changes the definition of a "grab and go meal" for me.
Photo of the Day: Hot Sauce Time
Fresh picked Habañeros and a homegrown Thai/Cayenne cross that I call Hidden Lake Hot. Ferment them on oak for six months or so and, bang! Hot sauce!
Photo of the Day: Weathervane at Sunset
As I was coming back from closing the chicken coop last night, I saw Rusty the rooster weathervane against a setting sun sky. Looked pretty neat.
Photo of the Day: Feijoa (aka: Pineapple Guava)
Every year our Feijoa, aka: Pineapple Guava (Acca sellowiana) treats us to a ton of dense green fruit with a pineapple like flavor. I'm not a fan of the fruit itself, but a friend of mine is a brewer and uses it in one of his specialty beers, so I'm a fan of Feijoa then.
Photo of the Day: Sunflowers in Bloom
It may be fall, but these sunflowers don't seem to care. To them every day is a summer's day.
Photo of the Day: Spider at Sunset
A spider weaving a web between two trees high in the air with the sun setting in the background.
Photo of the Day: Grapes near Harvest
We had an unusually cool summer which let the grapes take their time ripening. Now that cool fall nights are here, the fruit is finally finishing. Wine soon enough!
Photo of the Day: Beans and Tomatoes
Summer is gone, fall is taking over and the vegetables know it. We'll be eating a lot of bean and tomato dishes this winter!
Photo of the Day: Goldfinches at Breakfast
Goldfinches enjoying a breakfast of late season basil gone to seed.
Photo of the Day: Fence Lizard Up Close
Nothing like being sized us by a tiny dinosaur while you're working outside.