Video: Duckling vs Chicken Battle
If you substitute old zucchini for pizza, ducklings for children, and chickens for strangers, this video could be 20 seconds at any Chuck E Cheez.
Splendid Summer’s Day
Blue Skies, green trees and a big sunflower standing watch over the vegetable garden. Pretty much looks like this summer's day feels.
Summer Chicken Salad
We waste very little food thanks to our chickens. For example, here are Gaucho, Buffy and Summer with a fresh summer salad of overgrown zucchini and cucumbers.
So That’s Why It’s Called Bee Balm
After a two-year wait, the bergamot (monarda) finally flowered. I thought it would bring butterflies, but now I know why it's called "bee balm".
Blackberry Raspberry Jam
Picked a little over 11 pounds of blackberries and raspberries for this year's jam session. There's still plenty of berries left on the vines so we're going to try and make blackberry wine for the first time.
Summer with Sunflowers
Celebrating summer with a photo gallery of all the varieties of sunflowers growing on the Acre. (Links to the seed sources are included in the post.)
Hanging Gourd Garden 2.0
Pulled last year's dried gourds off the trellis to make way for this year's vines in the hanging garden. Now I've got a wheelbarrow full of gourds.
First ducklings of 2021
Hard to tell from the photo, but that's a mama duck and (at least) two new babies in a nest in the lavender. Check them on the live stream in a few days.
In Praise of Sundays
I love the garden and the sound of Sunday morning silence. No cars on the road, no planes overhead, the people are still sleeping. No sound save a few birds getting a start on the day. This morning it's late spring and the vegetable garden is just getting to peak. The tomatoes are like The Hulk bulging in clothes too small. The peppers and corn are already in a flowering competition. The basil is so full the whole garden smells like licorice. It smells like summer. It looks like summer. And it's silent. In that silence I stop and look [keep reading...]
Scallop not Straightneck
Surprise! Turns out, my squash are scallop not straightneck squash. (Pro tip: when storing seeds for next season, make sure you label them correctly.)