A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure

A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure


1203, 2020

Lavender Rose Texas Sage

March 12th, 2020|Photos|

One of the many Texas sage (Savlia coccinea) varieties I have planted in random spots around the Acre. I can't remember the name of this one, but I really like it because it's a lavender-rose color (instead of the usual red or pink) and has these unusually long, tendrils that grow at the end of the flowers like a big curved horn. Makes it seem more dramatic for some reason.

2902, 2020

Bee’s Bliss Sage in Bloom

February 29th, 2020|Photos|

Late last spring I got a Salvia Bee's Bliss from my friend @linsaycrazyplantlady's nursery. I planted it near the rocks by the fish pond and left it do its thing. Turns out there were a couple of giant white squill bulbs lurking below the surface in that location that I had forgotten. In November the squill erupted from the ground, leafed out, and completely covered the Bee's Bliss. And so I forgot about the little sage. Yesterday while doing some badly needed weeding I noticed these little lilac flowers poking out from under the squill leaves. A closer look showed [keep reading...]

2402, 2020

Fresh Cilantro Hung to Dry

February 24th, 2020|Photos|

We have so much cilantro in the Keyhole garden that we're having trouble eating and/or giving it away (and I live in an area of the U.S. where Cilantro is used in everything). The end of winter is fast approaching and some of it is start to bolt. Rather that let it all go to seed, I cut the plants back to the first set of leaves, bundled up the cut plants and hung them to dry. If you're not familiar, fresh cilantro is quite strongly scented. The entire front half of the house currently smells like the world's largest [keep reading...]

2202, 2020

Cyclamen in Bloom, no Photo Filter Required

February 22nd, 2020|Photos|

The cyclamens outside the family room bay window have begun to bloom. The plants are on a well-shaded slope and it's gray and raining, but the flowers are literally glowing in the low light. Amazing. Bonus: I bought them off the clearance rack at Lowe's last fall for $1 each. Booyah. Bargain! Anyone have any guesses as to the variety? The pot labels were struck out so I couldn't tell.

1602, 2020

Getting Ready for Spring

February 16th, 2020|Photos|

It's five weeks until spring and a mere days until our last overnight frost. Unlike many a previous year, the greenhouse seedlings are off to a great start. Today we'll be dividing and re-potting into larger containers so everybody will have strong roots when we finally transplant into the vegetable garden in a few weeks.

802, 2020

Keyhole Garden Progress – February 8, 2020

February 8th, 2020|Photos, Projects|

Temperatures have been well below freezing at night for the past week, but you wouldn't know it by looking at the keyhole garden. It continues to produce like there's no tomorrow. We've been harvesting lettuce and cilantro all week and it just seems to grow right back. Garlic, broccoli and cabbage are thriving as well.

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