A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure

A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure


1602, 2020

Getting Ready for Spring

February 16th, 2020|Photos|

It's five weeks until spring and a mere days until our last overnight frost. Unlike many a previous year, the greenhouse seedlings are off to a great start. Today we'll be dividing and re-potting into larger containers so everybody will have strong roots when we finally transplant into the vegetable garden in a few weeks.

802, 2020

Keyhole Garden Progress – February 8, 2020

February 8th, 2020|Photos, Projects|

Temperatures have been well below freezing at night for the past week, but you wouldn't know it by looking at the keyhole garden. It continues to produce like there's no tomorrow. We've been harvesting lettuce and cilantro all week and it just seems to grow right back. Garlic, broccoli and cabbage are thriving as well.

2401, 2020

What to do with a Cherimoya?

January 24th, 2020|Photos|

A while back I bought a Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) sapling from a local exotic fruit nursery. At the time, the plant guy said it probably wouldn't produce fruit because it needed some sort of month to pollinate it. Fast forward to today and the tree is doing quite well and it has lots of fruit on it (moths must be nearby). A few days ago it started dropping fruit. They're the size of softballs and quite hard. I swear I almost got a concussion from one that dropped on my head. I'm not really sure what to do with them. [keep reading...]

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