The Keyhole Garden’s Second Anniversary
This week is the 2nd anniversary of the keyhole garden. By my estimates, after 725 days of continuous production, we’ve raised 36 crops and harvested over 150 lbs of herbs and veggies from this 50sq ft space.
Video: Mystery Chicken
Every so often, critters, like my mother-in-law, show up uninvited and decide to stay. This time it's something else. Can you tell who the interloper is?
Simple Pleasures of Citrus
The only thing better than the smell of a citrus tree in bloom on a clear morning after a rain is the smell of a whole orchard of citrus trees in bloom.
Garden Hack: The easy way to get rid of small trees
If you've got a problem with pesky trees that keep growing in places you don't want, here's an easy, no dig method to get rid of them once and for all.
Happy 13th Hatchday to Gaucho the Rooster
A happy 13th hatchday to Gaucho the bantam rooster. He looks as fantastic today as he did when he was just a young cock of the walk. See him on Chickencam.
Garden Hack: DIY Water Bottle Drip Watering System
Garden Hack: Make a simple DIY drip watering system for potted plants & seedlings with just a water bottle. Instructions and video included in the article.
Keyhole Garden Mid-Winter Maintenance
Mid-winter is rough on vegetables, even the ones in the keyhole garden. The secret to keeping the bed productive is a happy compost bin in the middle. Today we checked on how the compost was doing.
Winter in San Diego
A week of hot Santa Ana winds followed by a brutal storm with high winds, heavy rain and, just to top it off, freezing temperatures. Welcome to San Diego.
Chickcam is Dead. Long Live Chickencam!
My old live stream camera, Chickencam finally died, so I built a new one with a Raspberry Pi . Now I've got a HD live feed from the poultry yard and it cost just $53. Check it out for all the details.
Video: Windy Day
We've got some pretty strong Santa Anas blowing today. It's hard to tell from this video, but those fan palms are close to 60 feet tall and swaying more than 20 feet in either direction in the gusts.