Abutilon megapotamicum
A Brazilian bellflower is the "roof" in one of our subtropical gardens. The sunlight through the dappled leaves and papery orange flowers is quite pretty IMHO.
Mini-Greenhouse Garden Hack
Here's an easy way to get a few weeks headstart on the gardening season with this easy, efficient mini greenhouse made with a roofing panel and coat hangar.
Self-Starting Winter Tomatoes
Despite 10 inches of rain and freezing nights, the keyhole garden continues to defy expectations. Here are Tigerella tomato seedings sprouting in mid-January.
Simple, Bulletproof Plant Propagation
Got the mid-winter garden blues? This is the perfect time to propagate some new plants! All you need is a milk jug, some soil, and a little patience. Here's how
Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)
Jade Plants are low care, easy to grow plants you can shape into anything from elegant shrubs to weird martian trees based on how you care for them. Here's how:
Christmas Cactus and a Bear
Got a Christmas Cactus from the $1 bin at the nursery in 2019 and wanted to show how nice it looked in bloom. All the camera wanted was the bear on its back
How to Refresh a Keyhole Garden
Keyhole gardens produce an amazing amount of food with little effort, but to keep them productive, you'll want to renew the bed every now and then. Here's how.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Whatever your beliefs and however you celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful holiday and spend it with the people you love the most!
Last Sunset of Autumn 2022
Did you feel Autumn pass into winter today? Me neither, but I did catch the last sunset of Fall last night. Also, this Christmas weekend looks to be wonderful.
Holly Wood California
The Toyon is a California native tree whose deep green foliage and bright red berries in December earned it the nickname "Hollywood"
Abutilon megapotamicum
A Brazilian bellflower is the "roof" in one of our subtropical gardens. The sunlight through the dappled leaves and papery orange flowers is quite pretty IMHO.
Mini-Greenhouse Garden Hack
Here's an easy way to get a few weeks headstart on the gardening season with this easy, efficient mini greenhouse made with a roofing panel and coat hangar.
Self-Starting Winter Tomatoes
Despite 10 inches of rain and freezing nights, the keyhole garden continues to defy expectations. Here are Tigerella tomato seedings sprouting in mid-January.
Simple, Bulletproof Plant Propagation
Got the mid-winter garden blues? This is the perfect time to propagate some new plants! All you need is a milk jug, some soil, and a little patience. Here's how
Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)
Jade Plants are low care, easy to grow plants you can shape into anything from elegant shrubs to weird martian trees based on how you care for them. Here's how:
Christmas Cactus and a Bear
Got a Christmas Cactus from the $1 bin at the nursery in 2019 and wanted to show how nice it looked in bloom. All the camera wanted was the bear on its back
How to Refresh a Keyhole Garden
Keyhole gardens produce an amazing amount of food with little effort, but to keep them productive, you'll want to renew the bed every now and then. Here's how.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Whatever your beliefs and however you celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful holiday and spend it with the people you love the most!
Last Sunset of Autumn 2022
Did you feel Autumn pass into winter today? Me neither, but I did catch the last sunset of Fall last night. Also, this Christmas weekend looks to be wonderful.
Holly Wood California
The Toyon is a California native tree whose deep green foliage and bright red berries in December earned it the nickname "Hollywood"