A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure

A home, a yard, a never-ending adventure


2701, 2020

Sage’s Homemade Ketchup Recipe

January 27th, 2020|Recipes|

Making real ketchup is super simple and the results are delicious. Make your own once, and you may never go back to the store-bought stuff (TL/DR: Click here to skip straight to the recipe) It’s mid-winter and as usual we’re still sitting on something like 1,329 jars of preserved tomatoes from the summer. Not surprisingly, we’re always looking for new ways to use all these tomatoes before the new crop starts to come in late spring, so when we ran out of ketchup a couple weeks ago, I announced, “I’m going to make some ketchup!” I didn’t actually make ketchup [keep reading...]

901, 2020

Make your own Mustard

January 9th, 2020|Recipes|

Making your own mustard is dead simple and delicious! Here's how to do it. (TL/DR: Click here to skip straight to the recipe) My wife loves mustard. Not the vinegary yellow liquid you get in packets at the hamburger joint, but the spicy, seedy brown stuff that’ll make your eyes water and sinuses clear along with the tongue tingling goodness. If we don’t have 10 different varieties on hand at all times, she’ll claim “we’re out of mustard!” and carry on like we’d run dry of one of life’s necessities like fresh water, oxygen or beer. Knowing how important mustard [keep reading...]

1112, 2019

Terri’s Fresh Rosemary Bread

December 11th, 2019|Recipes|

Finding things to do with all the herbs, fruits and vegetables Sage grows around here, can be a challenge (what does one do with a pound of Borage?), but one use that’s always guaranteed to be a big hit is fresh rosemary from the garden in my homemade rosemary bread. It’s actually a simple bread recipe, but when it’s spiked with a little biga and finely chopped fresh rosemary, it makes a nutty, woodsy, slightly chewy bread that’s great all by itself, as well as topped with good stuff like pesto, melty cheese, or a tangy-garlic and horseradish spread. It’s [keep reading...]

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