20 12, 2019

Found an Aloe Forest

By |2019-12-20T09:37:34-08:00December 20th, 2019|Garden, Photos|

For the past week I've been cleaning a long neglected section of the Acre in preparation for a chicken (and duck) friendly Mediterranean garden. To clear one area I had to chop down a rogue oak sapling and cut out a tone of dead brush below it. When I finally did get the area cleaned up, I discovered a rather large patch of aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) growing quite happily along the fence line. I vaguely recall planting  [keep reading...]

26 11, 2019

Kalanchoe Marnieriana in bloom

By |2019-11-26T08:39:34-08:00November 26th, 2019|Photos|

After a long summer with heat and no water (summer weather didn't really end until November), the recent rain and cool weather has the succulents around the acre growing new leaves and flowering like crazy. This one is a Mariner's Kalenchoe (Kalanchoe marnieriana) blooming near the pond. Most of my Kalanchoes have orange to red blooms, but this one produces flowers that are salmon pink, so it gets a spot right up front where everyone can see it.

10 11, 2019

Photo of the Day: Tiger Jaw in Flower

By |2019-11-10T08:35:01-08:00November 10th, 2019|Photos|

This is a tiger jaw (Faucaria tigrina) in flower. My wife brought home in a one-inch pot along with half a dozen other succulents a couple of years ago. The plant is low, mounding, and it's "jaws" make it look a little fierce on the rocky landscape. Better yet, it needs zero care (I don't even water it). For me, the coolest thing about it is for a few weeks in fall it produces a series of flowers, each of  [keep reading...]

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